Dear Mr. President

President and Pope
April 15, 2008, 8:19 pm
Filed under: Bush, ethics, Iraq, news, politics, religion, war | Tags: , ,
Dear Mr. President,
    I’ve been trying to figure out what the point of convergence is between you and the Pope.  I think it must be that both of you believe yourselves to be God-sent.  Each of you, in his way, thinks he must promulgate what he considers to be a God-given truth.
    You think your brand of what you call democracy is a God-given right which you must bring to all humankind.  The Pope, as the embodiment of the Catholic Church, thinks his brand of what he calls the truth is a God-given blessing which he must bring to all humankind.
     This Pope, for example, wants to encourage ecumenism.  He says the Catholic Church is always ready to receive its erring sheep back into the fold, as soon as they recognize his authority as Head of the One True Church.  No problems left.
     And you, Mr President?  You say we’re bringing democracy to the Middle East by killing off all our opponents, who, per definition, are the opponents of democracy.  Once all our foes are dead, everyone left will be on our side.  No problems left.  Somewhere there’s a similarity, don’t you think?
Sincerely, VNV